Here's a Toast to New Beginnings

Here's a Toast to New Beginnings

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Toys, Books and Supplies, Oh My!!-Day 70

One of my favorite stores in our community is Jacque's Toys and Books because of the overwhelming selection of educational supplies, toys, books, and fun notepads, pens and papers.  I have always loved school supplies and continue to enjoy frequenting this store.  Even though I have retired from education, I find myself cruising down each aisle to preview the latest and greatest available for student learning.  The best part about my shopping trips to this store nowadays is to select shiny new books for Kyleigh, Noah and Adrian, as well as cool new toys and craft items for all of my grandangels.  During my last visit to Jacque's this week, I purchased some fun new items for filling Easter baskets in the very near future! 

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