Here's a Toast to New Beginnings

Here's a Toast to New Beginnings

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Container Gardening-Day 88

Thanks to a terrific neighbor with an incredible green thumb, I might add, we are attempting container gardening with some tomatoes and jalapenos!  Peggy shared a few of the vegetables she purchased at Farm Patch, and I was traipsing across the street to find pots and soil!  I became very interested in this type of gardening after hearing about a special project in progress to benefit 3rd graders and their families.  So thanks to my friend Caren, we are ready for some tiny tomatoes to begin sprouting from this one plant!  Now, I must admit that my son, Jamie, jumped on this opportunity and he is actually excited about providing the daily care for these vegetables, so it's becoming a family project.  Caren, with your recent phone call to reconnect with me, you blessed my life more than you can ever imagine!  I'm hoping to pay it forward by calling someone I haven't seen in a very long time!  How might you bless someone today?

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