Here's a Toast to New Beginnings

Here's a Toast to New Beginnings

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Sharing a Snooze-Day 68

For those of you who have been faithfully following my blog, I am planning to catch up TONIGHT!  I got behind when I suffered through many drug-induced coma kind of days!  LOL!  With my very annoying seasonal coughing continuously, I have tried every NON-DROWSY antihistamine on the market but my body does not respond well to any of them.  Today is a day filled with hope as I have not coughed incessantly but rather just a little.  This afternoon, I was able to run errands, buy groceries, and even catch Kyleigh and Pop sharing a snooze(ok, it's pretend) on a hammock at the Mills' house.  This sweet scene brought back a flood of memories of Lynsey and David swinging in a hammock under our trees in Corpus Christi, just a few years ago!  Well, maybe 30 years or so ago since Lynsey turned 30 last fall!  I'm quite sure Lynsey will not be so pleased that I shared her age with the world!

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