Here's a Toast to New Beginnings

Here's a Toast to New Beginnings

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Antique Rose Emporium-Day 86

One cool, clear morning this week, we ventured to Independence to visit the Antique Rose Emporium.  It's only a short car ride from Bryan and offers a peaceful and beautiful setting for strolling through hundreds or maybe thousands of kinds of roses, grasses and other plants.  My goal on this day was to locate and purchase a rose that we had growing in our yard in a previous home, one that blossomed white, delicate flowers with a vengeance.  Luck would have it that only two of the Sir Thomas Liptons were left, so two it was that we brought home with us! I'm anxious to get them planted after finding the perfect spot for them!  I fondly remember my friend, Jan, introducing me to the Antique Rose Emporium and antique rose gardening many years ago! There will always be that special connection to my roses and sweet Jan!

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