Here's a Toast to New Beginnings

Here's a Toast to New Beginnings

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Understanding-Day 19

It's so hard to know how to comfort someone who has lost a spouse or loved one, and I really want to be an instrument of comfort and peace for my brother, Michael.  My wonderful pastor recommended the perfect book for me to read and share, entitled Good Grief.  I was delighted when I received it in the mail, but even more pleased when I sat down to read it last night and this morning.  What a beautiful, well-written book on the subject of grieving and the 10 stages one could experience when someone they love dies, or one moves to a new city or state leaving behind all that is comfortable for them, or one loses a job.  I am grateful for the opportunity to read this book, and to better be able to answer the call from above to love and minister to those individuals in my life who are grieving for one reason or another.  Praying God will direct my path to sharing the hope through understanding!

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