Here's a Toast to New Beginnings

Here's a Toast to New Beginnings

Sunday, January 15, 2012

My Love-Day 15

Thankful for a day of rest, teaching, worship, and reflection!  My heart has been heavy over the past few weeks, but my faithful encourager, friend and husband has stood lovingly by my side and providing the support I needed along the way.  Whether it was booking flights, grocery shopping, driving to the airport or a memorial service, or indulging my last-minute whims to go walk in a park for quiet time, he has been unwavering in his commitment to me as his wife.  Just this evening, he appeared in the doorway with a beautiful little pot of flowers and his handsome smile.  "Thought you might need a lift today!" he said!  Love you, David!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Linda. You know the amazing thing is that she still put up with me after 34 years, which is a true testament to the love of a godly woman. They say the person you marry is a reflection of your self esteem. Well folks I was really full of myself the day we got married and I must have been lucky enough to catch Linda on a bad day.
