Here's a Toast to New Beginnings

Here's a Toast to New Beginnings

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Hope in Action-Day 8

So often, life is hard when we struggle miserably through defeat, suffer painfully through an accident or illness, agonize sorrowfully over the death of a loved one,  or lament despondently over a broken heart.  I know of no one person or thing in this world that can ease our suffering as we wade through life's trials time and again.  But I cling to the promise that God is near, and assurances of comfort, peace, and healing are for the asking.  I faithfully seek His mercy and grace.  I thirst for the promises in God's Word. 

1 comment:

  1. Does not get any truer than that. Christ told us he is the way, and the light. Trust in him and while life will not be easy, but wthe race is run and end is here, the reward is truly amazing.
