Here's a Toast to New Beginnings

Here's a Toast to New Beginnings

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Research Park-Day 54

Today was such a beautiful day of sunshine, the sound of birds in song, and gentle breezes!  I jumped at the opportunity to share a new adventure with the twins, so I packed a picnic lunch complete with baby foods, snacks, bottles and sandwiches for David, Jamie and me, and of course, diapers, wipes, twin stroller, blanket and baby toys for entertainment!  Boy, I had really forgotten what an effort it was to pack for an outing with little ones!  Research Park was our destination, and the boys were instantly fascinated when I began feeding many feathered critters, and yet a little startled when noisy and "not so nice to each other" ducks of all kinds surrounded their stroller.  After explaining to them about the ducks and the sounds they make, I could tell the "duck" lesson needed to end before we had tears. Shooing the ducks back into the lake,  we introduced Noah and Adrian to the grass, and they were typical little boys in that they tasted clover, leaves, sticks, and probably a tiny bit of dirt!  Sorry, Amber!  They explored the ground thoroughly, and even made several attempts at quick get-aways to investigate the lake.  Thankfully there were 3 adults to two babies!  Because I was shooting lots of photos for their 9 month pictures, David and Jamie were the baby chasers.  Hysterical and unpredictable moments, to say the least.  I'm wondering how parents of twins manage to capture those Kodak moments with both together in the same picture without losing babies, or patience.  Lunch was quite interesting as they had no desire to eat their baby food, but rather lunged for my turkey sandwich, and yes, they ended up splitting a half of it.  How privileged we were today to create special memories with our baby boy grandangels!  I have the BEST job in the whole wide world!

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