Here's a Toast to New Beginnings

Here's a Toast to New Beginnings

Saturday, May 5, 2012

St Joseph's Hospital-Day 118

St Joseph's Hospital sparks a ton of memories for me.  The month of April marked a 10 year anniversary for David's open heart surgery with a triple bypass, and then many more followup scares for a heart infection and multiple stents.  Like David, my mom has suffered from heart disease and spent some time in the same hospital.  My mother-in-law, Mary, has also received care in the same facility on numerous occasions.  Kyleigh was born three years ago at St Joseph's and thus began some happy memories of this place.  One year ago, on April 27, the twins were born and spent some time in the NICU.  I remember that they made tremendous progress in their growth and development, and that Amber was able to bring them home on Mother's Day weekend.  On a recent visit to cheer up some good friends, I stopped in my tracks to notice this beautifully peaceful garden nestled in the middle of the circular drive to the entrance.  I am thankful for this hospital and all of the medical professionals and staff who provide such quality care for so many in our community.

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