Here's a Toast to New Beginnings

Here's a Toast to New Beginnings

Friday, May 4, 2012

Friday Fun at Hunny's-Day 115

Woo Hoo!  Friday afternoon is here and I am exhausted from chasing two tiny twinks but oh the happiness spreads in my house!  David and I are having Kyleigh Kamp tonight so we picked her up from school early!  She looks forward to this special treat each week.  She is learning to love and enjoy her baby cousins MOST OF THE TIME so she was thrilled that Noah would let her "hold" him and that Adrian at least joined them in the picture.  We tried many ways to explain to her that she could not physically hold both of them at the same time.  We are off to a wonderful start for our weekend!  Just missing one sweet middle school Madison to have all of our grandangels here.  Shhh!  Don't tell anyone but I am happy our sleepover does not include two baby boys!  Girl Power!!  At least for tonight!!

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