Here's a Toast to New Beginnings

Here's a Toast to New Beginnings

Monday, May 7, 2012

Field Trip-Day 120

Oh, Monday, Monday!  What shall we do today with two very curious little boys?  Our first thought was to drive around after a visit to the recycling center in hopes that they would drift off in a lazy morning nap!  Well, you might guess that these two little boys had different plans!  They were not thinking naps today, much to my dismay.  So as we were driving down Texas Ave., we saw a sign on our friend's feed store advertising baby chicks at 20% off!  Quick as a flash, I told David to make a quick U-turn for a little field trip to learn all about chicks!  Adrian and Noah did not quite know what to think but by the time it was time to come home for lunch, they were loving pounding on the chicken pen and hearing the chicks peep!  That's when we knew it was time to go!  How much fun it will be some day to have chickens for them in my country home dreams!

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