Here's a Toast to New Beginnings

Here's a Toast to New Beginnings

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Updating-Day 92

At the end of April, we will celebrate three years in our new home!  My, how time flies!  David somewhat disappointedly announced when we purchased this home that he had no projects as the house was in terrific condition.  I graciously allowed him to have quite a break after owning an older home for many years, but this past weekend, I got an itch to add a little more curb appeal to the front of our house.  I shared my vision for the new look, and we headed off to Lowe's to add additional flowers and herbs to my two antique roses we recently purchased.  David worked diligently to remove several very overgrown shrubs to leave room for COLOR!  I already love the new look even though we do have additional work to do, and flowers to add.  Watch out, David...I've only just begun with updating our three year old home! 

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