Here's a Toast to New Beginnings

Here's a Toast to New Beginnings

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Kerrville Friends-Day 105

I was as eager as a young child on Christmas Eve to climb into the car on Friday afternoon to travel to Kerrville to see Richard and Lane.  This weekend getaway was a long time in the planning stages-time for visiting on the front porch of their beautiful Hill Country home, sharing grandchildren stories and milestones, and relaxing after crazy times throughout the week.  What a special time we had on this visit showering Lauren, their youngest daughter, with baby gifts galore to help her prepare for her expected arrival in May!  Cara, their oldest daughter, and friend hosted the nicest shower and welcomed family and friends to celebrate with Lauren.  On Saturday evening, we feasted on pizza and salad, with the best ice cream I've tasted in a very long time for dessert!  You might want to keep your eyes open for "Homemade on the Porch" (I think that was the name of the flavor by Blue Bell!!)  Sunday morning, we embraced and welcomed a much more leisurely pace with an outdoor breakfast and coffee on the deck.  As you know, all good things must end especially on a Sunday afternoon with a four hour drive ahead of us!  Good friends are forever TREASURES!

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