Here's a Toast to New Beginnings

Here's a Toast to New Beginnings

Friday, April 6, 2012

Good Friday Memories-Day 97

Today was our lucky day because Lynsey and Jon both had to work on this Good Friday, and Kyleigh's day care was closed, so we spent a memorable morning with sweet Kyleigh!  We headed back to Independence for the second time in a week with camera in tow to capture some photos of her for Easter, and to my great surprise, I successfully caught her in some beautiful poses.  When we returned home, I eagerly uploaded 99 pictures to iPhoto, cropped and enhanced them, and sent them electronically to Walgreen's for processing.  When David made his trek to the store to pick them up for me, he was questioned thoroughly by the cashier in the photo department because she thought a professional photographer took them and did not intend to release them until she had a copy of the copyright!  Somewhere in all of that, I think there was a compliment!  I'll take it, and yes, he came home with my photos! 

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