Here's a Toast to New Beginnings

Here's a Toast to New Beginnings

Saturday, June 9, 2012

When Roles Reverse-Day 145

In the past three years, David and I have been blessed with witnessing our own children evolving into independent young adults and parents of their own children-our grandchildren.  At the same time, we have been drawing closer as an extended family by welcoming Mary, my mother-in-law, and David's mother, into our home.  My parents have also joined us in Bryan, living only a few blocks from us.  We are so lucky to have all of our family within just a few miles.  David and I are learning new roles in caring for our parents, and have struggled with some of the challenges we face daily.  Because we desire to give the very best love and care, we have been seeking a class, book or support group to enhance our skills in this new role in our lives.  Thanks to my friend, Julie, we were able to register and attend a dynamic session this past week!  Jim Comer captured his audience from the moment he stepped in front of the room, and maintained a positive and entertaining presence throughout his informative presentation entitled "The Joys and Jolts of Parenting Your Parents".  David and I learned so much from this speaker that will make us better caregivers in the future.  We also were very fortunate to win a copy of his book entitled When Roles Reverse, which we look forward to reading so that we can expand our horizons in the caregiver role.  I would be thrilled to share Jim Comer's information with anyone who would be interested-just send me a note!

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