Here's a Toast to New Beginnings

Here's a Toast to New Beginnings

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Celebrating Dad-Day 153

How blessed I am to be able to see and talk to my dad on a daily basis!  I love that he is creative, compassionate, funny, and enjoys spending time with family.  I like that he shared the "organizing" gene with me.  I appreciate his innate ability to see a problem in this world, and invent one solution or many!  I admire his positive attitude and spirit about the things in life, even when I know he is not always feeling his best.  I smile when I observe him being such an encourager and supporter of his new friends he has made at the cancer center while graciously and patiently watching his chemo drugs drip into his veins.  I acknowledge that he enjoys non-fiction, technical topics for reading, and grin when he occasionally will tackle a book of fiction.  I value his desire to make a difference in this world by reaching out to others.  I love that he loves his family unconditionally.  I am grateful for this brilliant man in my life-celebrating Dad on Father's Day 2012!

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