Here's a Toast to New Beginnings

Here's a Toast to New Beginnings

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Parrot Head-Day 158

I was fascinated with this parrot being toted around by an interesting character on Duval Street, and wanted to snap some photos of the bird.  I quickly learned that I could for a small fee-ha ha!  Oh well, it was worth every penny to see David with the parrot on top of his head!

Key Lime is the Flavor-Day 157

Key lime treats were in great abundance in Key West, in just about every retail shop and restaurant!  There were key lime:
  • margaritas
  • coladas
  • mojitos
  • cookies
  • candy
  • salad dressings
  • cakes
  • pies
  • hand lotions
  • soaps
  • etc
But the one treat I waited all week to enjoy was a frozen slice of mouth-watering key lime pie on a popsicle stick, nestled in a crunchy graham cracker crust, AND dipped in a fine shell of chocolate!  Oh so tasty, and yes, a little goes a long way! 

Sailing In the Sunset-Day 156

We couldn't help but to imagine and wonder who owned this magnificent sailboat, and where they might be sailing on this gorgeous evening in Key West!  I've personally never been on a sailboat so I privately dreamed of a destination adventure off into a sunset just like this one!  Who knows?  This might be a future tale of mine!  Or an experience to add to my "bucket list"!  Happy sailing!

Sunset Celebration-Day 155

The sunsets in Key West were breathtaking and such a peaceful closure to each rainy day!  Every evening after dinner, we walked down to "Sunset Pier" with my camera in hand, ready to capture the beauty for our forever memories!  What a perfect way to end our days on vacation!

Brilliant Orange Blossoms-Day 154

Such stunning trees in Key West, bursting with brilliant orange blossoms! I have learned that they are called poinciana trees, and that they thrive in this tropical setting! The locals shared that while the flowers are beautiful on the tree, they are quite messy when they drop their withered blooms everywhere! I think they are lovely!

Celebrating Dad-Day 153

How blessed I am to be able to see and talk to my dad on a daily basis!  I love that he is creative, compassionate, funny, and enjoys spending time with family.  I like that he shared the "organizing" gene with me.  I appreciate his innate ability to see a problem in this world, and invent one solution or many!  I admire his positive attitude and spirit about the things in life, even when I know he is not always feeling his best.  I smile when I observe him being such an encourager and supporter of his new friends he has made at the cancer center while graciously and patiently watching his chemo drugs drip into his veins.  I acknowledge that he enjoys non-fiction, technical topics for reading, and grin when he occasionally will tackle a book of fiction.  I value his desire to make a difference in this world by reaching out to others.  I love that he loves his family unconditionally.  I am grateful for this brilliant man in my life-celebrating Dad on Father's Day 2012!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Sunflowers-Day 152

Loved the brilliantly-colored sunflowers David brought home for me today!  It's been a beautiful day to celebrate my 29th? birthday!  I can almost close my eyes and dream of fields of these amazing flowers! 

My Sweet Kyleigh-Day 151

Love my little brown-eyed Kyleigh!  She is so eager and excited when we pick her up early from "school" to come and spend some uninterrupted time with Hunny and Pop! 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Wonder Pets-Day 150

Oh dear!  It's raining, it's pouring and the twins continually crawl to their wagon, wanting to climb in and go for a walk with us!  After offering many other distractions for their one-track minds about going outside, we quickly selected a DVR'd episode of Wonder Pets.  Winnie, Tuck and Ming-Ming kept them on the edge of their seats for 10 whole minutes!  I think that's awesome for busy 13 month olds! 

Making a Tent-Day 149

Thunder, lightning and pouring down rain at our house calls for the making of a tent with blankets!  David(AKA Pop) had so much fun teaching Noah and Adrian how to create a fun hiding place during our storm this evening. 

Army Wives-Day 148

On Sunday, I was a prisoner to my bed because I felt so badly, but relied on Lifetime Movie Network and my books to keep me entertained.  Army Wives Marathon was the event for Sunday, and I discovered a series I had never watched and never thought I would enjoy.  You see, I am normally not a TV watcher except for HGTV!  Sometime during Sunday evening, I discovered this was a series from 2007 and I had been watching Season 6 SO thankfully, I will be able to enjoy Army Wives from Season 1 because of Netflix! 

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Almost Ready for Entertaining-Day 147

Such a fun little project today to prepare my new table for entertaining!  New bench is completed, new placemats in place, candleholders cleaned and filled with new tealights, and fun, summery napkins displayed.  We searched all day for a table runner that would cover an eight-foot table and drop some over the side.  I calculated 120" needed but NOT found anywhere in Bryan/College Station!  Well, truthfully, I only looked at Target, World Market and Pier I, but gave up and came home.  I guess we will shop online for my next purchase unless anyone can provide me information about who might carry a table runner that is long!

Sharing Not Always Good-Day 146

I'm more than happy to share just about anything with anybody, but sharing the coughing/fever virus is really not cool!  My mother-in-law began the spread, Kyleigh was next, and then the twins shared it with Hunny!  I MUST get well quickly as I have jury duty this next week and then Key West.

When Roles Reverse-Day 145

In the past three years, David and I have been blessed with witnessing our own children evolving into independent young adults and parents of their own children-our grandchildren.  At the same time, we have been drawing closer as an extended family by welcoming Mary, my mother-in-law, and David's mother, into our home.  My parents have also joined us in Bryan, living only a few blocks from us.  We are so lucky to have all of our family within just a few miles.  David and I are learning new roles in caring for our parents, and have struggled with some of the challenges we face daily.  Because we desire to give the very best love and care, we have been seeking a class, book or support group to enhance our skills in this new role in our lives.  Thanks to my friend, Julie, we were able to register and attend a dynamic session this past week!  Jim Comer captured his audience from the moment he stepped in front of the room, and maintained a positive and entertaining presence throughout his informative presentation entitled "The Joys and Jolts of Parenting Your Parents".  David and I learned so much from this speaker that will make us better caregivers in the future.  We also were very fortunate to win a copy of his book entitled When Roles Reverse, which we look forward to reading so that we can expand our horizons in the caregiver role.  I would be thrilled to share Jim Comer's information with anyone who would be interested-just send me a note!

Bench Project-Day 144

David and Richard masterfully built a long bench to accompany my new table with scraps of wood just lying around!  In other words, it was free and created with a labor of love.  David decided today was the perfect day to sand it and prepare it for the marriage with the table.  It's my hope that all will be completed with my new table in time to celebrate Father's Day next weekend! 

My Harvest Table-Day 143

On recent trips to Kerrville, I have had my sights on a harvest table or two in the Rouse's carport!  After all, they were both beautiful tables and I definitely needed more seating in my sunroom for shared meals with family!  Our family is growing by leaps and bounds! I'm excited to share that David and Jamie recently made a day trip to the Hill Country to bring home one of the tables for me.  I was assured that this treasure was for Mother's Day, my birthday, and Christmas of 2012!  Oh, yeah?  We'll see about that!  Well, as you can see, it's finally found its' place in my sunroom after retiring a table we have owned since the first year we married.  I think I will enjoy this newest addition in our home.  Now off to find a table runner to enhance this beauty!