Here's a Toast to New Beginnings

Here's a Toast to New Beginnings

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Success-Day 36

One of my passions that I love to share with family members and friends is my desire to read.  Coupled with that passion is my desire to encourage others to read for pleasure!  Well, I have failed miserably over the past 34 years with David!  I can safely estimate that he's only read 20 books since we married, so my most recent Christmas gift to him was a Nook Color, hoping that would be the motivation for him to read instead of watch so much TV.  Well, my gift has been a double-edged sword, so to speak!  The Nook was definitely a hook for him in that he has devoured 10 books in the past month, much to my surprise!  Wow!  Who would have thought an e-Reader would be the trick to opening his doors to reading?  But unfortunately, that is all David has wanted to do night and day!  I never thought I would utter these words to him, but they slipped right out of my mouth last week-"I'm limiting you to four hours of reading a day!"  Today he shared aloud his personal goal of reading 100 books before the end of 2012, and grinned as he issued a challenge for me to meet or beat his goal!  HELP!  I have created a book monster!  On a more serious note, I am excited and proud of him for discovering new horizons through reading on his Nook!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Book monster really. Well now since the challenge has been issued, I have calculated that my goal of reading 100 books this year is just 2 books a week. I think that should be no problem. Oh and by the way, these are real books, not picture books or comic books, but real books. After I finish the latest book I started today, I will be moving on to more of Steve Berry's books. To let everyone know how much of a "Book Monster" I have become I skipped the Super Bowl to read. It was much more enjoyable than engaging in mindless TV watching. If this keeps up I foresee the cable TV bill get significantly smaller in the near future.
