Here's a Toast to New Beginnings

Here's a Toast to New Beginnings

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Wondering Why?-Day 166

While strolling through the cemetery one drizzly June morning in Key West, a melancholy feeling overwhelmed me as I passed by this family grave site.  Located in the front were headstones commemorating the very brief lives of three precious babies in the 1800's, all under the age of 1 year.  So many questions were looming before me as I silently grieved for this mother!  What caused the deaths of each of her angels?  Were their deaths sudden because of illness?  What sweet memories did their parents have of their infant and young toddler days?  Why should one mother have to suffer  such a tremendous loss time and time again?  Before leaving the cemetery that day, I returned to the site to capture this photo as I was so moved by my thoughts and feelings for this family and so many others.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this in your blog, Linda. When I was antique shopping yesterday I ran across some very old picture frames with original photos still in them. One picture was dated 1898. Couldn't help but wonder how a sweet picture of a baby ended up there...
