Here's a Toast to New Beginnings

Here's a Toast to New Beginnings

Thursday, April 26, 2012

NICU Memory-Day 111

One year ago today, April 27, 2011, I got the most frightening phone call that forced me to jump into action just before midnight.  Amber had been on bed rest with her twin pregnancy at home for about 5 weeks, and then had been hospitalized for almost two weeks because of a condition called preeclampsia.  She was being rushed to the OR for an emergency C-section 5 weeks before her twin boys were due because of her blood pressure...her life was in danger!  As quickly as I raced around trying to get to the hospital, I felt like I was treading in a dreadful sea of molasses!  I was forever grateful that I made it to Labor and Delivery before she was wheeled into surgery, and got to kiss her goodbye and wish her well.  Her sweet little boys were delivered at 1:10 and 1:11 a.m., and after some poignant moments for a picture or two, Noah Andrew and Adrian Reece were whisked off to the NICU.  So this is an anniversary that I am reliving with a roller coaster of emotions, and yet praising God for protecting my courageous daughter and her precious baby boys!

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