Here's a Toast to New Beginnings

Here's a Toast to New Beginnings

Saturday, March 17, 2012

If Teacups Could Talk-Day 73

This treasure by Emilie Barnes has been a favorite of mine since I first discovered it on my mother-in-law's coffee table back when she lived in Rusk, TX.  Each time we visited I relished a few quiet moments to enjoy a cup of hot tea, and the words of wisdom within the covers of If Teacups Could Talk.  This quote always jumped off of the page right at me as I wrestled with anxiety and stress about either my classroom, my campus, or my district:  "one of tea's most beautiful benefits-the blessing of slowing down to enjoy it."  So you see, this was one of my ways to breathe deeply and calmly for a brief period of time before my children discovered my quiet hiding place in the dark living room of Mary's house.  Who would have thought to include a list of things to do while you were waiting for the water in the teakettle to boil?  Emilie Barnes did, and also included a blending of story and other facts on making and enjoying a cup of tea.  I love all of the recipes she collected in this beautiful book, as well as suggested menus for a variety of tea parties for many different reasons to celebrate.  I proudly display this book now in my home, on a stand directly in front of my china teacups David purchased in England for me before we married.  This is a blessing the author includes at the very end of her book, and I would like to share that with you.

"A Teatime Blessing"

"Lord, grant that our time together
be steeped in serenity, sweetened by sharing, 
and surrounded by the
warm fragrance of your love.

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