Here's a Toast to New Beginnings

Here's a Toast to New Beginnings

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Hope in Action-Day 3

When I think of hope in action, hope for the future, I think of someone who:

  • Loves our Lord and Savior with all her heart
  • Aspires to become a teacher and make a difference in the lives of children
  • Unrelentingly strives to be her best on the basketball court as well as her studies
  • Reaches for the stars when molding a dream into reality
  • Enjoys spending time with family and friends
  • eNdearing niece of mine
How proud I was tonight to watch this young lady in action on the court!  She embraced each challenge with courage and confidence!  I love you, Lauren!  May you continue to encourage hope for the future-hope in your actions!

1 comment:

  1. She is truely an amazing young lady and a very good basketball player. Since Jamie and I first discovered her basketball skills we are claiming 10% of her first year earning when she goes to the WNBA.
