Here's a Toast to New Beginnings

Here's a Toast to New Beginnings

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Cooler Weather/Warmer Heart

What a blessing it is to be able to step outside each morning this past week to saturate my lungs with each deep breathe, the coolness that arrived at the end of September!  It has been such a very long time since I have embraced each moment with a simpler focus on my life, and oh, how joyful it is to sip my warm and comforting cup of coffee while listening to the songs of birds as they go about the business of their day.  I have especially enjoyed the droves of hummingbirds this past month, and their intense and purposeful sips of the nectar that I prepared for them!  Devouring chapters at a time in a book has been another delightful pleasure I have rekindled with my newly discovered idle moments as one of many positive after-effects of retirement.  My worries about how I could possibly and productively spend my minutes, hours and days at home rather than in a school setting are decreasing as each day passes!  I am beginning to enjoy a simpler and quieter life this month!  My heart is filled with the hope, warmth and expectancy of my Lord and Savior, and what He might have in store for me in my future, but for now, I truly believe God wants me to make the most of new opportunities for a freshness in my life. 

Simply living for the moment, 


  1. Beautifully said. I have to admit, I'm a little jealous. Enjoy this gift that God has given you; time. Don't fill it up too quickly. Continue to wait on HIm.

    Have you read Riven by Jerry Jenkins? One of my favorite books.

    Enjoy your day!

  2. So happy to read your posting. I too am enjoying the opportunity to revel in the simple pleasures of the day, counting the deer I see on my morning walk or spending time just holding my Bible in my lap and truly reflecting on His Word. Precious moments. We definitely need to get together - just because WE CAN!
    Just me,
    Ginger F.

  3. I LOVE your Blog and I am so glad you have time to enjoy all things beautiful. I know when we worked together that you didn't have a free minute in your days. While you were amazing at ALL you did, I am glad now that you have rest and peace and that you have time to enjoy what is most important. With my new job I am seeing that too. The hustle and bustle isn't always good for us. Thank you for your inspiration and for always loving me even when it was not easy.♥ Love-Tina

  4. I love reading your blog and hearing how you are loving this new chapter in your life. While I miss you so much as the leader of our school and seeing your smiling face each and every day, it makes me happy to know that you are enjoying the small things in life, such as the hummingbirds, good books, and the other perks of your new life adventures! Miss you so much!

