Here's a Toast to New Beginnings

Here's a Toast to New Beginnings

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Yellow Flowers-Day 142

-jelly beans
-lemon drops
-legal pads
-sticky notes
-buttery popcorn
-scrambled eggs
-school buses
-crime tape
-yield sign

God's Beauty-Day 141

Is this not one of the most beautiful flowers ever?  Thank you, God, for surrounding us in the beauty of your creation!

Kyle Field-Day 140

Kyle leaders...the Aggie Band...kettle corn...Gig 'Em...

David's Old Stomping Grounds-Day 139

We often drive around on the Texas A&M campus, and occasionally David likes to relive and retell the many stories of his early college days in his old stomping grounds!  Utay Hall was a wild and crazy dorm, as I recall, full of young men always looking for adventure and excitement, and not always academic in nature!  I enjoyed it being so close in proximity that we could just walk a couple of minutes to Kyle Field for all of the football games.  David has other reasons why he loved this old place!  Just ask him sometime!

Monday, May 28, 2012

God's Grace-Day 138

Bless you, Lord, for your favor, grace and mercy upon my life! 

David's on a Healthier Mission-Day 137

David and I have adopted more of a vegan lifestyle with lots of exercise included in our daily routine!  Now when I married David, he was a meat and potatoes kind of guy, who wouldn't even look at a vegetable on his plate!  We've come a long way, baby!!  Looking good....

Our First Apartment-Day 136

Yesterday I was feeling a little nostalgic and asked David if we could go and find our very first apartment we shared after our wedding almost 35 years ago.  Y-1-E Hensel Apartments at Texas A&M was our home sweet home, filled with a bundle of amazing wedding presents, meager furnishings that were provided, and us!  Our tiny apartment is the one in the bottom right corner of my picture, next to the stairwell!  We felt blessed beyond measure! 

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend-Day 135

Packed and ready for a terrific family gathering at my youngest brother's home!  Clay and Myra were hosting an early Memorial Day cookout, and we were excited to make the drive to Houston.  Amber and the twins traveled with us so we were prepared for just about any circumstance along the way!  Chips, brownies, fiesta salad, sunscreen and baby wipes in my large utility tote!  In my picnic thermal, I had ice-cold potato salad.  My thermal tote was filled to the brim with a variety of baby snacks, cups of cold water, and milk bottles for Adrian and Noah.  And Amber included camo mini-utility bins filled with toys to keep the babies entertained for the car ride.  Yes, they each had their own!  It was a whole lot more fun packing for the trip, and spending the day with family, than it was unpacking!  I wish we lived closer to my extended family! 

Friday, May 25, 2012

Life is a Bowlful of Cherries-Day 134

Cherries trigger memories of a summer road trip to Cloudcroft, New Mexico with Richard and Lane.  Before driving up the beautiful, winding mountain to our tiny cabins, we shopped in a local shop for our food stash for the week.  I'm not sure about anything else that we bought as it has been several years ago, but we headed up the mountain with fresh ripe cherries in abundance, and the best cherry cider I've ever tasted!  How I wish I could have a bottle of that chilled cider this evening!  Isn't it funny how something as delightful but as small as a cherry can bring back of flood of memories shared with great friends?  As I washed this bowlful this evening for our dinner, I thought of our adventuresome hikes, the magnificent sunsets, the amazing wild horses, entertaining card games and conversations, hundreds of hummingbirds swarming our little porches, and satisfying wine as the sun slipped slowly below the mountains into a long, chilly night!  Ah, life really is a bowlful of cherries!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Adrian in Rocking Chair-Day 133

Such an innocent, sweet little guy had his own ideas about how he was going to sit in the little red rocking chair, and where he would look, and with what expression he would pose!  In some small ways, he reminds me of his mommy!  Adrian Reece, you are an adorable little one year old! 

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Carrying on the Tradition-Day 132

A tradition has been passed down for many long years in the Madden family with a tiny red rocking chair.  On the first birthday of each child in the family since David's mother was a little girl, a photo has been taken to commemorate the special event.  One-year old Noah loved posing in his "big boy" rocking chair.  Adrian will be featured in my next post-after all, he deserves his own page for this special tradition!

Five Wishes in a Wagon-Day 131

Nestled in a red Radio Flyer wagon so bright,
Tired little Kyleigh wanted to avoid sleep tonight!

This little girl made one wish and nothing more,
She wished her Pop would take her to the store.

Not the store, she said?  "OK, to the swing!"
Kyleigh shouted with glee.

A quick stop at the pink swing and a tune in the trees,
Left Miss Kyleigh yawning and slapping her knees!

"How about an ice cream treat?"
Hunny, that would be really neat!

A walk in the wagon was Kyleigh's next wish,
So she grabbed her silky pink blanket with a confident swish!

When eyes were getting droopy, and her head not so steady,
this little three-year old suggested a movie-yes, she was ready!

On our final trek home, all was quiet and still,
Sweet little Kyleigh had fallen asleep for real!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

A New Cookbook-Day 131

I love collecting cookbooks when I travel, and I do actually spend time enjoying the beautiful photos of the many dishes featured in each collection of recipes.  My mom and dad just cruised recently on Royal Caribbean, and brought me an early birthday gift from the ship!  I cannot pronounce any of the original names of the recipes but I can drool over the pictures, and plan ahead to prepare some of the delightful dishes.  The Mediterranean Eggplant is so colorful, and is seasoned with garlic, olive oil and basil.  Since I am a lover of chocolate, the Chocolate Mousse with rum is on my list to try also.  Thanks for thinking of me while you were cruising in the Caribbean! 

My Daughter a Mother-Day 130

Such an honor and privilege to live only a mile from my first-born, Lynsey, and her family!  I am so proud of the mother that she has become to Kyleigh, and step-mother to Madison.  She loves spending time with her girls, playing games, reading books and of course, shopping for girl clothes, cute shoes and bows! Happy Mother's Day, Lynsey!

Peaceful Park Setting-Day 129

Thank you, Lynsey, for introducing us to this beautiful little park just down the street from your house!  I am embarrassed to admit that we live less than two miles from this quiet retreat, and tonight is the first time I got to admire it's beauty and peacefulness!  Remembering our park time this evening shared with Lynsey and Kyleigh!  I'm loving the gifts of time spent with my children!  Life is precious-don't waste a moment!

Pick Me Up-Day 128

When you are feeling a little blue, take a walk in the outdoors!  Just recently, I enjoyed a quiet stroll on a trail and discovered beautiful flowers and the daintiest little butterfly that continued to flutter around my face and landed on me twice.  Grateful for the opportunity to enjoy God's creations, and smiling because of His mercy and grace!

Flowers from My Son-Day 127

There's nothing like walking in from church today to a gorgeous bouquet of fresh flowers from my son, with the sweetest card in the whole wide world!  "I'm wishing you love and the kind of happiness that's reserved only for my mother!"  Thank you, Jamie, for making my day so special by spending time with us, and for the great new book to read!  Loving you always and forever!

David-Day 126

A list about David...
  • my devoted husband of 34 years
  • an Aggie
  • one terrific dad to Lynsey, Amber and Jamie
  • our "fixer" around the house
  • an only child
  • a lover of words-in other words, he loves to TALK
  • knows no stranger
  • offers terrific wagon rides for his grandangels
  • the best "swinger" of the babies and Kyleigh in the swing
  • enjoys projects, mostly outside and mostly with wood
  • my best friend

May Book Club-Day 125

It's no secret that I am a lover of books and reading, but some selections are among the best I have read in a long time!  For our May book club, we are reading The Story of Beautiful Girl!  Rachel Simon, the author, hooked me within the first five pages of the book and I have not wanted to do anything else this weekend!  I'm thankful for my book club friends and the selections they have chosen, because I have a tendency to lean towards only a few authors and genres!  I highly recommend you adding this to your summer reading list...

Amber and Adrian-Day 124

Ahh!  A rare moment to capture a photo with Amber!  I think she is like my mom-they both share a camera phobia!  Adrian wanted some quick snuggles with his mommy, and a few moments to warm up in a fluffy towel before lunging back towards the water and fun plastic boats in the pool!  Thanks, Aunt Lynsey, for introducing the boys to their first little boats! 

Madi and the Twins-Day 123

Such a fun time at Lynsey's for her Cinco de Mayo family and friends gathering!  The children had a blast in the water slide/pool, splashing and cooling off on a rather warm spring evening!  Our oldest grandangel, Madison, was so helpful with the twins and Kyleigh, as always.  Lynsey actually had a smaller swimming pool for Adrian and Noah, as well as little friend Brayden, but of course, the twins wanted to be with the big kids!  What were we thinking? 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Vacation Plans in the Making-Day 122

Flights booked, tickets purchased, and a room at a bed & breakfast reserved!  We are going to Key West for my birthday!  Now the funny part is that David was planning a surprise trip to be revealed with my birthday cake but he has never been able to keep a secret for very long!  In less than 6 weeks, we will be relaxing in the sunny and beautiful Key West, Florida!  Let the countdown begin!  And for those of you reading my blog, I realize it is not really day 122, and I am aware of that fact!  Once again, I am a few days behind in my project but I am learning not to sweat the small stuff!

Madison-Day 121

What a proud moment tonight to see Madison walk across the stage on her middle school campus to receive a pin and honor to treasure always!  She was inducted in National Junior Honor Society, and so many of her family members were there to show our support for her accomplishments.  Madi was among 40 classmates who were recognized because they excelled in scholarship, leadership, service, character and citizenship!  Congratulations, Madi!  Past members of the NJHS were also recognized during the ceremony, and I smiled with pride as Lynsey stood among them!  Tonight was a special evening for our family!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Field Trip-Day 120

Oh, Monday, Monday!  What shall we do today with two very curious little boys?  Our first thought was to drive around after a visit to the recycling center in hopes that they would drift off in a lazy morning nap!  Well, you might guess that these two little boys had different plans!  They were not thinking naps today, much to my dismay.  So as we were driving down Texas Ave., we saw a sign on our friend's feed store advertising baby chicks at 20% off!  Quick as a flash, I told David to make a quick U-turn for a little field trip to learn all about chicks!  Adrian and Noah did not quite know what to think but by the time it was time to come home for lunch, they were loving pounding on the chicken pen and hearing the chicks peep!  That's when we knew it was time to go!  How much fun it will be some day to have chickens for them in my country home dreams!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Labor of Love-Day 119

David tackles yet another project-this one an armoire that I bought from a sweet friend, Jill!  I cannot wait to see the finished piece after David finishes his labor of love.  I'm dreaming of a place in the country-a farmhouse with a sleeping porch, and my refinished armoire in my weekend bedroom.  Maybe some day....

St Joseph's Hospital-Day 118

St Joseph's Hospital sparks a ton of memories for me.  The month of April marked a 10 year anniversary for David's open heart surgery with a triple bypass, and then many more followup scares for a heart infection and multiple stents.  Like David, my mom has suffered from heart disease and spent some time in the same hospital.  My mother-in-law, Mary, has also received care in the same facility on numerous occasions.  Kyleigh was born three years ago at St Joseph's and thus began some happy memories of this place.  One year ago, on April 27, the twins were born and spent some time in the NICU.  I remember that they made tremendous progress in their growth and development, and that Amber was able to bring them home on Mother's Day weekend.  On a recent visit to cheer up some good friends, I stopped in my tracks to notice this beautifully peaceful garden nestled in the middle of the circular drive to the entrance.  I am thankful for this hospital and all of the medical professionals and staff who provide such quality care for so many in our community.

Boys, Books, and Boxes-Day 117

David and I bought the twins a Radio Flyer wagon for their first birthday!  We were super excited to unpack it and put it all together so we could take them for a ride.  But the twins were much more excited about playing in the large box it came in!  Even my adult son had fun in the box when he grabbed a book and Adrian to enjoy some reading time!  Where oh where is Noah?  Boys, books and boxes...can it get any better than this? 

Morning Playtime-Day 116

The twins love playing in Kyleigh's kitchen with all of the plastic foods and dishes!  Adrian took a new twist this morning when he wanted to sit in his little chair to "cook"!  Tomacina, Jamie's girlfriend, is enjoying morning playtime with him before she heads to work.  Wonder what he is making her for breakfast?

Friday, May 4, 2012

Friday Fun at Hunny's-Day 115

Woo Hoo!  Friday afternoon is here and I am exhausted from chasing two tiny twinks but oh the happiness spreads in my house!  David and I are having Kyleigh Kamp tonight so we picked her up from school early!  She looks forward to this special treat each week.  She is learning to love and enjoy her baby cousins MOST OF THE TIME so she was thrilled that Noah would let her "hold" him and that Adrian at least joined them in the picture.  We tried many ways to explain to her that she could not physically hold both of them at the same time.  We are off to a wonderful start for our weekend!  Just missing one sweet middle school Madison to have all of our grandangels here.  Shhh!  Don't tell anyone but I am happy our sleepover does not include two baby boys!  Girl Power!!  At least for tonight!!